Eastercon Wiki

Eastercons have been publishing their final summary budgets after the convention. Satellite 4 has kindly given us permission to reproduce theirs (2014 £)

        Membership	                        38562
	At con (Art show, dealer's room)	1240
	Pass along	                        15000
	Mechandising	                        595
	Advertising	                        275
	Total Income	                        55672
        Hotel	                                5000
	Guests (Travel, subsistence)	        5858
	Publications (printing, posting)	1638
	Promotion	                        1300
	Tech	                                5501
	Green Room	                        1368
	Gopher Hole	                        145
	Groats	                                1374
	Beer Bar	                        552
	Ops	                                165
	Registration	                        2155
	Evening Ents	                        2580
	Programme	                        512
	Creche (provider + room)	        2293
	Logistics	                        1872
	Misc (Stationery)	                230
	Bank charges and PayPal fees	        763
	Insurance	                        1175
	Charity	                                1190
	Pass along	                        11500
	Fan funds and bursaries	                2000
	Souvenir Book	                        6500

	Total Expenditure	                55672